Bespoke Commissions in Pounds Sterling (£) starting from...

(50% payable on commission / 50% upon completion.)

Free delivery worldwide for all new bespoke commissions.

Garment Type Incl.  VAT* Non UK Approx USD
Two Piece Suit 5740 4930 6180
Three Piece Suit 7410 6325 7929
Jacket 3900 3350 4199
Blazer 3995 3480 4362
Trousers 2040 1749 2192
Waistcoat 2040 1749 2192
Overcoat 5740 4930 6180
Dinner Suit (2pc) 6995 6015 7540
Dinner Suit (3pc) 8695 7395 9270

*Prices including VAT applicable to UK residents only.

Please Note :
Chest sizes greater than 48" will incur a 10% surcharge due to the requirement for extra cloth.
Unfortunately we cannot accept customers' own cloth for commissions.